Today’s Quote Of The Day — Sunday, April 30th, 2023

Welcome to QuoteGreet’s quote of the day. Read and share our quote picks for today, Sunday, April 30th, 2023.

Today’s quote of the day is selected from categories of work, positivity, inspiration, humor, life, love, and short quotes.

Today’s quote of the day (Sunday, April 30th, 2023).

“Learning to control and adjust your attitude to a positive one reflects wisdom of the mind.” — Catherine Pulsifer

Check out the previous day’s quote of the day.

Sunday’s quote of the day for work

Today’s quote of the day for work.

“The greatest teacher I know is the job itself.” — James Cash Penney

Positive Sunday quote of the day

Positive quotes of the day.

“In this world, you can choose to be positive, or you can choose to be negative. You can choose to see things through a set of eyes that sees good, or you can choose to see things in life that aren’t so good.” — Jack Harbaugh

Inspirational Sunday quote of the day

Inspirational quote of the day for today.

“Belief creates the actual fact.” — William James

Funny quote of the day for Sunday

Today’s funny quote of the day.

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” — Will Rogers

Quote for today about life

Quote for the day about life.

“Life is full of ups and downs. One needs to stay positive in life, no matter what.” — Shilpa Shinde

Quote for today about love

Quote for today about love.

“I don’t know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change.” — Nicholas Sparks

Short quote of the day for Sunday

Short quote of the day for today (Sunday, April 30th, 2023).

“One more thing…” — Steve Jobs

Poem of the day — Sunday, April 30th, 2023

Author: Abijah M. Ide

Title: The Forest Reverie

’TIS said that when

The hands of men

Tamed this primeval wood,

And hoary trees with groans of woe,

Like warriors by an unknown foe,

Were in their strength subdued,

The virgin Earth

Gave instant birth

To springs that ne’er did flow

That in the sun

Did rivulets run,

And all around rare flowers did blow

The wild rose pale

Perfumed the gale

And the queenly lily adown the dale

(Whom the sun and the dew

And the winds did woo),

With the gourd and the grape luxuriant grew.

So when in tears

The love of years

Is wasted like the snow,

And the fine fibrils of its life

By the rude wrong of instant strife

Are broken at a blow

Within the heart

Do springs upstart

Of which it doth now know,

And strange, sweet dreams,

Like silent streams

That from new fountains overflow,

With the earlier tide

Of rivers glide

Deep in the heart whose hope has died

Quenching the fires its ashes hide,

Its ashes, whence will spring and grow

Sweet flowers, ere long,

The rare and radiant flowers of song!

See Also:

Today’s Quote Of The Day — Saturday, April 29th, 2023

Today’s Quote Of The Day — Friday, April 28th, 2023

Final thoughts

We hope today’s quotes of the day inspired you to take positive actions towards achieving your goal.

If you enjoyed our picks for today’s quote of the day (Sunday, April 30th, 2023) from categories of work, positivity, inspiration, humor, life, love, and short quotes, please share them with your loved ones.

Thank you! We wish you a very happy and successful day.
